On June 3, 2018, French tycoon Vincent Bolloré warned investors that Groupe Bolloré—a logistics provider with extensive operations in former French colonies in Africa—may suffer negative commercial and financial consequences as a result of a corruption investigation initiated by French authorities. Mr. Bolloré was questioned for two days by French police in April 2018 over allegations that Groupe Bolloré’s global advertising agency, Havas, provided improper benefits to the Presidents of Guinea and Togo in exchange for lucrative business contracts. Mr. Bolloré’s prediction on the investigation was bleak; he noted that the investigation will “last for 10 years, raids will be carried out, people will be questioned, the press will cover it day-to-day.”

The Groupe Bolloré investigation is one of the first high-profile investigations by French authorities since the December 2016 passage of France’s new anti-corruption law, titled “Loi relative à la transparence, à la lutte contre la corruption et à la modernisation de la vie économique,” (“The law on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of economic life”), but commonly referred to as “Loi Sapin II,” given its sponsorship by former French Finance Minister Michel Sapin.

Commentators have pointed to the Groupe Bolloré investigation as a game-changer in French enforcement of anti-corruption laws, one that marks the ushering in of a new era of accountability for French businesses operating in Africa. We have previously covered developments relating to Loi Sapin II here and here. Below, we outline key aspects of the Loi Sapin II regime and its broader implications for companies operating in Africa.

Background on Loi Sapin II

Although France joined the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Corruption Convention in 1997, as recently as 2012 the OECD has pressed France to improve its anti-corruption enforcement efforts. Notably, US anti-corruption enforcers have brought several high-profile Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) enforcement actions in recent years against French companies, each with significant financial penalties, and French enforcers have been criticized for taking no or limited action in some of those matters.

Loi Sapin II is notable in a number of respects. Specifically, the law (1) expands the extraterritorial reach of France’s anti-corruption laws; (2) obligates certain business organizations to implement compliance programs; (3) creates a new anti-corruption agency, the Agence Francaise Anticorruption (“AFA”); (4) improves protections for whistleblowers; and (5) creates a settlement framework known as the Convention judiciaire d’intérêt public (“CJIP”), which has been likened to a deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”) under US practice.

  1. Extraterritorial Reach of Loi Sapin II

 Perhaps the most important change in Loi Sapin II is the elimination of a dual criminality requirement for prosecution of extraterritorial conduct, significantly extending the ability of French authorities to reach corrupt conduct occurring overseas. Previously, French authorities had jurisdiction to prosecute offenses committed outside of French territory where: (1) the victim or wrongdoer were French citizens; (2) the alleged conduct was unlawful under the law of the local jurisdiction and French law; and (3) either the victim or the relevant foreign authority filed a complaint. Loi Sapin II removes these requirements, and also permits prosecution of persons or entities (regardless of their citizenship or nationality) who carry out all or part of their economic activity on French territory.

  1. Mandatory Compliance Program Requirements

 Article 17 of Loi Sapin II imposes mandatory compliance program requirements for French companies that employ 500 or more employees with gross revenue of more than €100 million, as well as all consolidated subsidiaries of parent companies that meet the aforementioned size and revenue requirements. As of June 9, 2017, companies that meet these criteria were required to implement the following measures: (1) an anti-corruption code of conduct; (2) internal and external whistleblowing procedures; (3) risk-mapping that considers the company’s industry focus and geographic coverage; (4) third-party due diligence procedures; (5) internal and external accounting controls; (6) anti-corruption training; and (7) an internal monitoring and assessment system. In December 2017, the AFA published recommendations for the implementation of these measures. An English version of the AFA’s Guidelines can be viewed here.

  1. Powers of AFA

 The AFA replaces the previous Service Central de Prévention de la Corruption (“Central Service for the Prevention of Corruption”). It is anticipated to have four times as many staff as its predecessor agency (more than 60 compared to 16) and a budget of €10–15 million. While the AFA does not have the power to investigate or prosecute bribery allegations, it has substantial powers to ensure that covered entities comply with Article 17 requirements. This includes the power to request documents, conduct site visits, and interview personnel during such site visits. As an enforcement mechanism, the AFA is empowered to impose fines against companies that fail to comply with program requirements, as well as relevant company leadership. Fines may also be imposed for refusal to share information requested by AFA.

  1. Whistleblower Protections

 Loi Sapin II includes stronger whistleblower protections than were previously available under French law. These protections extend to any disinterested person who in good faith reports a violation of French law or an issue that poses a serious threat to the public interest of which he or she has personal knowledge. Companies are required to guarantee confidentiality and protect the identity of whistleblowers (Article 9), and are prohibited from retaliating against whistleblowers (Article 10). To enjoy the law’s protections, a whistleblower must first report suspected wrongdoing to his or her supervisor; only when the supervisor does not act within a reasonable timeframe or in the event of imminent danger is the employee permitted to report directly to the authorities. Loi Sapin II also provides immunity to whistleblowers (Article 7); and anyone found to create an “obstacle” to the filing of a whistleblowing report may face a fine of €15,000 and up to one year in prison, while revealing a whistleblower’s identity carries a potential two-year prison sentence and a fine of up to €30,000.

  1. CJIPs

 Loi Sapin II introduced a resolution mechanism for enforcement actions known as the “CJIP” (short for “convention judiciaire d’intérêt public”) into French Criminal Law. Similar to deferred prosecution agreements employed by US authorities, CJIPs are negotiated settlements that apply to corporate entities. Under a CJIP, an organization may, without pleading guilty, agree to a combination of monetary remedies and compliance measures for alleged violations of Loi Sapin II. Like US DPAs, CJIPs may require the imposition of corporate compliance monitors. While France’s CJIP regime does not include a formal framework for assessing credit in a resolution for a company’s cooperation in the government’s investigation or voluntary disclosure of potential misconduct, we expect that these issues will prove to be significant factors in French prosecutors’ decisions whether to proceed by CJIP, and, if so, the remedies under a CJIP.

Considerations for Companies Subject to Loi Sapin II Operating in Africa

With the Loi Sapin II regime still in its relative infancy, trends are difficult to predict with confidence. However, we see two immediate takeaways for companies subject to Loi Sapin II:    

  1. Companies Should Be Prepared for Significantly Increased Risk of Investigation of Extra-Territorial Conduct Under Loi Sapin II

It is perhaps too early to predict whether the Groupe Bolloré investigation will prove to be the tip of the spear in an aggressive anti-corruption enforcement campaign by French prosecutors over the coming years. However, we would expect more high-profile investigations to follow, and the combination of Loi Sapin II’s extensive extra-territorial reach and its whistleblower provisions significantly increases the likelihood that corrupt conduct abroad will come to the attention of French prosecutors. This raises the stakes for French companies dealing with allegations of corruption abroad. Companies finding themselves in this position would be well-advised to conduct internal investigations that are sufficiently prompt and thorough to withstand pressure-testing from enforcement authorities, and also to take swift remedial actions, including appropriate enhancement to anti-corruption policies and controls. While time will tell, as French enforcers begin to hit their stride and the investigation and resolution process under Loi Sapin II becomes more mature, we expect that there will be increased focus on issues of self-reporting, cooperation, and remediation, much as is the case in US and UK investigations. Moreover, recent enforcement actions have demonstrated increasing cooperation between French authorities and foreign enforcers, including US enforcers, raising the prospect of investigations and enforcement actions with multiple regulators at the table.

  1. Loi Sapin II’s Compliance Program Requirements Will Require Significant Resources and Consistent Efforts

Entities subject to Loi Sapin II’s mandatory compliance program requirements must grapple  with a series of requirements and AFA oversight of their compliance programs. Although the AFA has indicated that it does not wish to dictate the specific methods through which companies achieve their compliance objectives, the AFA guidance will undoubtedly inform the measures that companies subject to Article 17 of Loi Sapin II (and perhaps companies not strictly subject to Article 17) put in place to meet its requirements. The AFA guidance is largely consistent with OECD best practices and the guidance that has emerged relating to the FCPA and UK Bribery Act; indeed, the AFA has indicated that it sought to integrate into its recommendations the requirements of international anti-bribery legislation to ensure that French standards are consistent with international best practices. Accordingly, companies that have already implemented compliance programs consistent with the guidance relating to the FCPA and/or the UK Bribery Act and are subject to the Article 17 compliance program requirements in France will likely be able to retain the core elements of their compliance programs, although additional measures may be required to meet some of the prescriptive requirements set forth in Loi Sapin II.

What this means in practice is that companies subject to Article 17 may not have the luxury of a prolonged timeframe to build a mature and effective compliance program. What is more, the AFA guidelines, which include detailed methodologies for risk assessment and monitoring the effectiveness of compliance programs, make clear that a “check the box” approach will be insufficient. As a result, companies that are subject to Article 17 would be well served to seek advice from professionals with experience implementing, and sustaining, compliance programs that pass muster with US and UK authorities. Moreover, even after initial implementation processes are complete, companies subject to Article 17 would be best advised to perform periodic assessments of the effectiveness of their programs.


This blog was prepared by Covington attorneys qualified to practice law in the United States and the United Kingdom. It does not constitute French law advice. Covington partners with French counsel with anti-corruption expertise to provide integrated anti-corruption compliance advice that takes into account French law as well as the international best practices that have developed under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and other international anti-corruption laws and conventions. If you have further questions about Loi Sapin II or Covington’s anti-corruption work in Africa, please contact Ben Haley at bhaley@cov.com or Sarah Crowder at scrowder@cov.com.

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Photo of Benjamin Haley Benjamin Haley

Ben Haley leads the firm’s White Collar and Anti-Corruption Practice in the Middle East and Africa and is a chair of the firm’s broader Africa Practice. With deep experience representing clients before regulators in high-profile white collar and disputes matters and a history operating on…

Ben Haley leads the firm’s White Collar and Anti-Corruption Practice in the Middle East and Africa and is a chair of the firm’s broader Africa Practice. With deep experience representing clients before regulators in high-profile white collar and disputes matters and a history operating on the ground in emerging markets, he helps clients assess and mitigate a wide range of complex legal and compliance risks.

Complementing his investigations and dispute resolution practice, Ben has a broad-based compliance advisory practice, helping clients proactively manage compliance risk in areas including anti-corruption, trade controls, anti-money laundering, fraud, and data privacy.

Ben represents corporate and individuals clients in a wide range of investigations and disputes, including:

  • Investigations under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”).
  • Investigations into anti-money laundering, financial crimes, anti-terrorism, and sanctions and export control issues.
  • Securities fraud and accounting matters.
  • Board investigations and shareholder litigation.
  • Insurance recovery.

Ben also regularly advises clients on a range of regulatory compliance and corporate governance issues. His compliance advisory practice includes:

  • Performing risk and compliance program assessments.
  • Leading compliance reviews on business partners and assisting companies with third-party risk management processes.
  • Conducting forensic accounting reviews and testing and enhancing financial controls.
  • Advising on market entry, cross-border transactions, and pre-acquisition diligence and post-acquisition integration.
  • Assisting companies in designing, implementing, and maintaining best-in-class compliance programs.

In recent years, Ben has steered a number of clients to successful resolutions and declinations in complex FCPA and corporate fraud matters with the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities Exchange Commission. In his advisory practice, Ben has served as lead compliance counsel on a number of major M&A and investment transactions. He has developed special expertise assisting clients in leveraging technology in their compliance programs, including assisting one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies in the design and implementation of an award-winning compliance data analytics and monitoring system.

Ben has been described by the Chief Compliance Officer of one of his clients as “[a]n outstanding senior lawyer and advisor,” and “a guiding light for all things compliance advisory in Africa,” whose “advice is crystal clear, covers all angles and is business friendly.”

Photo of Sarah Bishop Sarah Bishop

Sarah Bishop is a U.S. and UK-qualified lawyer who advises companies on ethics and compliance programs, compliance with anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws, business and human rights (BHR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, white collar investigations, and suspension and debarment.


Sarah Bishop is a U.S. and UK-qualified lawyer who advises companies on ethics and compliance programs, compliance with anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws, business and human rights (BHR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters, white collar investigations, and suspension and debarment.

Sarah’s compliance advisory practice includes helping multinational corporations develop and test the robustness of ethics and compliance programs, conducting risk assessments, conducting transactional and third party due diligence, supporting post-acquisition compliance integration projects, and delivering compliance training. She has particular expertise advising on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act and has advised companies in the energy, mining, pharmaceutical, healthcare, technology, and consumer goods sectors, among others, on anti-corruption compliance risks and program development.

As a member of Covington’s Business and Human Rights practice group, Sarah advises companies on the developing legal and enforcement landscape related to the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. She advises on enforcement risks under Withhold Release Orders (WROs), the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), and the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) in the United States, as well as developing ESG due diligence and reporting requirements in Europe. Sarah has helped multinational corporations in the healthcare, technology, automotive, energy, mining, and consumer goods sectors develop human rights due diligence programs, navigate human rights-related enforcement matters, and report on human rights due diligence efforts.

Sarah has extensive experience conducting internal and government-facing white collar investigations. Sarah has conducted investigations involving allegations of bribery, money laundering, export control and sanctions violations, fraud, human rights violations, and other forms of misconduct. She has handled matters before major international enforcement authorities and has been recognized in the Global Investigations Review Women in Investigations survey.

Sarah also assists clients in suspension and debarment matters before the World Bank and other international financial institutions.